Charmhill Shetland Sheepdogs

About Us




               I have been involved with Shetland Sheepdogs for  nearly 40  years , in 1975 the very first sheltie obtained  was a bitch  named 'Charm ' , whom was purchased as a family pet when my 3 daughters were very young , she was a real character and was very loved  .

                 When moving from New Zealand to Australia to live  a few years later  in 1979 ,  a decision was made  to obtain another pet sheltie and have had Shelties ever since . By the mid 1980s we decided we might like to show  . 

Some of these  earlier shelties are on my Past Dogs page .  My bloodlines today are a mix of the best of Australian, European and UK lines . UK being the Country of Orgin of this beautiful breed  .                                                                                                                                                                         

             Over the years  15  Home bred Champions  have been shown to their titles   ,  along the way  4 other Shelties have  been purchased  to compliment bloodlines  that have been titled as well .

            With limited Showing  thru the years  with ongoing work and family committments  .  My Sheltie's have had successes under All-Rounder judges as well as Sheltie Specialists  . 

I have been involved  with the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Victoria in various positions  for many years and at present  having the honour of being President .

Please see the Links page for the link to the SSCV .    


My Vision .. 

            I strive to breed that lovely sweet expression that is so alluring in a Sheltie ,  as much about the Shetland Sheepdog is about breed type with the finer details of head being very important  which makes a Sheltie stand out with the beauitful sweet expression . I prefer my bitches to look feminine and dogs to look masculine , with overall balance ,  grace and elegance  , effortless  movement  and temperment .

   The one thing that is paramount to me when selecting puppies is  instant appeal of  true  UK Sheltie breed type ,  having that beautiful sweet almond eye ,  natural ears  , correct head planes that complete the look finishing with  a level topline with good front and rear movement that is balanced  .

 No Sheltie is perfect but one must always aim high .           

 Remembering that Shelties were bred to be  working dogs herding sheep .  For me I have to like what I see when I look at my shelties run and play in my yard  . Good Conformation  is important , covering the ground effortlessly when moving completes the picture . A confident  and happy Temperment   . Overall balance which includes  everything in preportion including having  that correct  reach of neck the Sheltie  standard calls for .  My pet hate is a stuffy looking sheltie  as it spoils their overall balance and topine  .

As a show dog a  Sheltie doesnt have to be a showing fool (  which helps in the show ring for sure !  ) but  importantly it needs to be one of Quality .

              With the new Techology of DNA testing these days , breeding has stepped up a notch in what we must test for  and part of this means we  have more tools to guide us  to help breed a  healthy puppy .  

             When the  DNA testing came into play  only about 16 years ago  . I have consistently  bred  Shelties ( see below) with results of  Genetically Clear CEA/Ch , MDR1, VW3  earlier days , recent testing includes DM , GBM and DMS   ,  my  puppies  retained here by myself have the latest DNA tests as youngsters  with  full profiles done  .


Ch Charmhill By Chaser ( owned By Kay Sullivan) ,   Deceased 

Au/ NZ Ch Charmhill Noahs Crusade ROMA    owned by myself. Deceased 

Charmhill Casino Royale deceased ( owned by Harradei Kennels ) ,

Charmhill Christabelle retired (owned by Kay Sullivan , Limbunya Kennels) ,  

Ch Charmhill Jacques Cartier  (owned by Nicole Pearson ,Hartly Kennels)  

Charmhill Carlotta . Retired   

Charmhill Cherished Moments .  Deceased  

Charmhill Ci Cenorita owned by James Purvas  

Charmhill Command Performance Now retired .

Charmhill Purfect Timing   owned by myself 

Charmhill Boston Boots  owned by Karen Gaertner 

Charmhill Winstons Choice Owned by myself 

Ch Charmhill Consuela Time Owned by Rhiannon Herd 

Charmhill Chasin Time owned by Kay Sullivan


                   I,m proud of this achievement from over the years .  But have the realistic view that one must look at a lot more than just good DNA and Eye  status , good DNA is just the icing on the cake . 

                Based in the beauitful city of  Melbourne , which is a large City  on the East Coast in Victoria  Australia, Voted  most Liveable City in the world for 7th year in a row in 2017  , to 2nd in 2019 and has a population of over 6 million people . 




I live on a normal sized house block these days after previously being on acreage , so numbers are kept low. The dogs still enjoy all the romping  and playing around the garden , free run on the grass  and chasing the birds when they can .  

Some pictures below from Autumn to  Spring .


Contact Details

Christine Klempel
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Phone : 03 9743 4404
Email : [email protected]