Charmhill Shetland Sheepdogs

Multi BISS Ch Charmhill Purfect Timing

' Timmy '

Sire . Sup Champion Hartly How About That 

Dam . Hillswick Purfect Prudence 

W. 12/12/2021 

SSCV BIS Speciality  May  2024 under UK Breed Specialist Judge Ms Mylee Thomas of Myter kennels , expertly Handled by Julia Van Dinter .
















        'Timmy' repeats a **Best in Show ** Speciality win at the SSCWA Speciality show under Breed                                                                   Specialist Veronica Royston of Juzvee Kennels . 
























10 1/2months 


7 weeks 


6 weeks 

Timmy is a delight to own and love . Often playing the fool , he has a superb temperment which he has passed onto his recent young progeny  . Im very happy with his breed type , overall balance and outline plus his effortless  reach and drive . Looking foward to watching him reach maturity . Tmmy is at limited stud to approved bitches .


****** Stop Press******
'Timmy' wins **Best In Show** at the SSCV 2024 speciality under UK Breed Specialist Judge Ms Mylee Thomas of Myter Kennels . Expertly handled by Julia Van Dinter .

Critique ...

"Beautiful sable and white dog. Lovely full white colour. Presented in an immaculate condition,
superb coat. Super balance in shape and profile throughout, with super reach of neck into a level top-line, lovely sweep over the loin, well let down hock with a good bend of stifle. A lovely straight front, nice masculine head, well developed under-jaw, nice flat skull. To be ideal would prefer a slightly darker eye, but overall a really nice dog. Excellent breed type, superb quality."


'Timmy' repeats a **Best in Show ** Speciality win at the SSCWA Speciality show under Breed Specialist Veronica Royston of Juzvee Kennels . Expertly Handled by Julia Van Dinter .

Timmy is the second boy I have run on from this combination of Sup Ch Hartly How About That and Hillswick Purfect Prudence ..
He is pleasing to my eye , loving his Breed Type and sweet expression plus naturals ears , a correct outline , elegant neck and moves freely . Timmy has a super outgoing temperment who just loves anyone .

Timmy is holidaying in WA at present with Julia and Sue Van Dinter . He will be back in Victoria early 2025 .


Timmy  has Full Dentition . 

Measuring at 15 1/4   inches  at 12 months . 

Hips 2/2 . 

Elbows 0/0 


DNA results 

 CEA - Collie Eye Anomaly / Choroidal Hypoplasia  (Genetically Clear ) 

 DM- Degenerative Myelopathy  (Genetically Clear ) 

 MDR1 - Ivermectin Sensitivity  - Multi Drug Resistance ( Genetically Clear )

 VW3- Von Willerbrands Disease Type 3  ( Genetically Clear ) 

 PRA- Progessive Retinal Atrophy  SS type ( Genetically Clear ) 

 GBM -Gall Bladder Mucocele ( Genetically Clear ) 

DMS  - Juvernile Dermatomyositis . Aa Bb

Ophthalmologist Eye CEA tested (Normal) unaffected 
Ophthalmologist Eye Coloboma tested (Normal) unaffected .


Timmy is the Sire of

Ch Charmhill Consuela
Ch Charmhill Winstons Choice
Charmhill Chasin Time at Limbunya
Sunland Santa's Lil Helper



Pedigree for Charmhill Purfect Timing 
Sire :Sup  Ch Hartly How About That . Gen Clear , CEA, MDR1, DM, VW3. S: UK Ch Gr Ch Hartly How About Me  . CEA Carrier , Gen Clear MRDI, VW3 ,DM S: Gr Ch Louanda What About Me . Gen Clear CEA
D: Lyndream Words That Impress Cea Carrier, Genetically Clear , DM,MDR1 and VW3 )
D: Ch Hartly Constant Comment . Gen Clear MDR1, DM, VW3.  CEA unaffected S: Sup Ch Lyndream Strickly Speaking
D: Hartly Causing Attention

Dam : Hillswick Perfect Prudence . Carrier CEA , MDRI,

Gen Clear DM ,VW3

S: Hillswick Fire Blaze. CEA Carrier . MDR1 Affected  S: Hillswick Cesare Borgia
D: Hillswick Sweet Enchantment
D: Hillswick Diamond Diva . Carrier CEA, Gen Clear MDR1, DM,VW3 S: Ch Hillswick Ace Of Diamonds
D: Hillswick Orions Delight . Gen Clear CEA

Contact Details

Christine at Charmhill Kennels
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Phone : +61397434404
Email : [email protected]